
Thirty Day Money Back Guarantee
Apixia proudly stands behind the quality of its products, and backs this with a Money-Back Guarantee for thirty days after your purchase. This allows you to acquire and use our products without risk. If you are unhappy with your Apixia product, we will work diligently to identify and resolve your issues to earn your satisfaction. If, after efforts to resolve your concerns, you are still unhappy, we will refund your purchase price, less shipping and handling, as long as the product is returned complete with all accessories and in resalable condition.

Apixia Digital Scanners include a standard two-year limited warranty covering manufacturer's defects. A copy of this warranty document is included with each product shipment, and may be downloaded below for your reference.
Apixia Assurance Program
The company also offers the Apixia Assurance Program, good for the first two years of ownership, to customers at no extra charge-an industry first! This helpful program provides a substantially discounted replacement unit in the event of accidental damage not covered by the limited warranty, and includes conveniences like overnight replacement shipping, free software upgrades and complimentary technical support. This program provides tremendous value to our customers, just another example of how Apixia has re-invented digital imaging in response to dentists' needs. Compare our free support program to any competitor, and you will see for yourself why Apixia's support is the industry's best value. A copy of the Apixia Assurance Program Guidelines may be downloaded below for your convenience.
Apixia Limited Warranty for Scanners and PSP Scanner.

Apixia Assurance Program Guidelines.

Copyright 2010 Apixia, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
